Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March challenge: Quinoa

This one is actually Jenny's idea. She has been telling me for the last month all the places to find it in the area. I know I have cooked with it once in my last hippie food phase, but it has been a couple of years. So everybody...get cooking!


Vivian Thiele said...

oh yea!!! I'm excited for this as quinoa has been on my try list! Thank you!

Anonymous said...


HenryParsons said...

We love quinoa at the Turner house! Let me know if you need any inspiration!


Quinoa Nutrition Facts said...

There are a lot of quinoa recipes online and I'm sure all of you will have fun cooking it. :) Good luck with the challenge and I'm looking forward to reading your blog post about people who took the quinoa cooking challenge. All the best!

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Just found your blog! What a great idea and need inspiration to try new dishes. I'll have to see what we an do with quinoa at our house - we don't use it too often.