Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thai Green Curry

So, Turns Out that Emeril has a whole line of Green Recipes!!! One that jumped out at me was this one for Emeril's Thai Green Curry. Probably because I made B take me to a pseudo Thai place and he went on and on about the Curry. I did add some pork to this recipe because my husband is actually pro-meat. I also added some mushrooms and tomatoes when I added the broccolli:)

This is my bowl...

And B's bowl...

Which looks better? No really, we were contemplating who takes a better picture. I guess it is "green" because of all the veggies( and I did buy organic) and the green curry paste.


Michelle said...

I love curry. Love, love, love it. But, I"m the only one in the family. Can I come over next time you make it? You pro-meat people.....

KAJ said...

HA!! It made so much, I have to tuperwares in the freezer!! You're awesome and you inspire me!!