Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cucumber Juice

No, you read that right. I said, "cucumber juice".


I don't know what it is, but ever year, I am hell bent on making some sort of beverage out of cucumbers. This year, I just made cucumber juice as directed here. (I felt that this was a blog and could count it under this month's challenge) So, then I used this cucumber juice to make a beverage. I got a pick glass, filled it with crushed ice, add half a glass of soda water, half a glass of cucumber juice, shot of vodka, and half of lime. This may add up to more than a glass, but I am not a math major.


This was a nice little beverage, not as refreshing as I would have hoped, and it might be the vodka that make it bearable, but still a nice little beverage.


The other greenish stuff in the first picture is the pulp. It is still in the fridge cause I thought it would be tasty in a tsatziki sauce (that is how my husband said that is spelled, I am unsure). But here I am eating plain pita chips with no sauce...maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I have been using up some of the farm share bounty of cucumbers by slicing them and putting them in my water pitcher. Just like a spa - without the massages and relaxation of course.