Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sweet Potato Fries

These are so easy, a toddler can make them.


This recipe is a staple in our house. We go through periods where I make them once a week. Why? Well, they are super easy, James loves then, and I feel because it is made with sweet potatoes, it counts as a vegtable. I serve them with turkey burgers or other sandwich type entree. The ones I made last night I served with the Chicken Shawarma that Melissa posted last month. I will write the recipe out so it is toddler friendly.

Have an adult peel and cut up one large sweet potato for a mommy, daddy, and toddler. The sweet potato should be cut in the middle, then each half cut in half lengthwise, then each quarter should be cut into 4-6 strips. Err on the side of cutting too small rather than too large.

Have the toddler put the fries into a gallon sized zip top bag. The toddler then can pour some olive oil into the bag, about 2 T. Next,the toddler should sprinkle some grill seasoning over the fries, about 1 tsp. The adult should close the bag, then let the toddler shake it up until the fries are well coated. The adult then can open the bag to allow the toddler to pour the fries onto a baking sheet. The fries should be baked at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes, stiring the fries halfway through cooking if you think about it. Careful with the stove, its "HOT". Allow to cool before allowing children to eat these fries.

ETA: Review of the chicken shawarma. I thought this recipe was fine. I might make it again, but I will more likely make some sort of version of it. I did spring for the tahini paste and it make my yogurt sauce yucky. I added some honey to sweeten it up a bit. However, once the whole thing was put together, it really worked!


Mel said...

Hmm, sounds like I might be able to make these. Let me know what you thought of the chicken shawarma.

KAJ said...

What a perfect recipe! HOT HOT HOT as AM would say!

Do you think James will be a chef when he grows up?