Thursday, July 22, 2010

Grilled Pork Chops with Two Melon Salsa...and more!


So, again, I like to buy those really big seeded watermelon in the summer because they are really delicious. Unfortuately, there is no way that James and I (really, mainly James) can eat a whole one. I usually try to give half away, but you are still left with lots of watermelon. I saw this recipe in a recent Cooking Light and it really seemed like a good thing to try. For my other melon, I used a cantalope we got with our CSA. This was ok, I think I would have liked it better with out the cantalope (not really a fan), but really the pork chop itself was just a little bland. The salsa was not really enough to make it work it. Anyways, I may make it again but maybe with chicken...not really sure.

Moving on, again, really big watermelon and thanks to the 2 salsa recipe, I have 1 cup less than I did. I tried this watermelon margarita recipe earlier this year and thought it was ok. This weekend, I had 3 different bags of watermelon, it was starting to get a little funky, I decided to make it again. Glad I did! First of all, I am not giving this its own post because I have already posted a watermelon margarita recipe. This recipe was a lot easier to make which helps to give it a better review. I think the first time I made it, I was expecting more of a frozen result, but really it is just over the rocks. Also, this past watermelon was a little sweeter than my first one, and I think that is what made it better. This picture isn't that great, but I was heading out to the pool.


Lindsey actually posted my last recipe and I have made it before...Fresh Tomato Sauce. This one was good because it used up a lot of tomatoes and made enough to freeze. So simple and easy to make too, I topped it with a little romano cheese. The picture with the past really doesn't do the sauce justice, so there is another picture of just the sauce.



Another pick up tomorrow. At least most of this week's produce has been used!

1 comment:

Vivian Thiele said...

Never tried watermelon salsa before... sounds yummy. I tried finding watermelon with seeds to use with my sunday school class and could only find seedless. I think those with the seeds taste better but that's just my opinion!