Monday, March 3, 2008

College Night

Do you ever crave Ramen noodles? How about Mac & Cheese? Well, we were craving that 50 cent box of Kraft Cheese and Macaroni for dinner last night, so we decided on college night. Oddly enough, it tasted so yummy, and was shockingly reasonable on the calories.

Directions -these are complex.
1. Cook Mac & Cheese. Leave out ALL butter. You won't notice.
2. While it's cooking, throw some chicken breast in a non-stick skillet with Salt & Pepper. Then cut into pieces.
3. Open can of Rotel
4. Mix all together and pretend you are in college again.

I realize it's not exactly "blog" material, but it sure did taste good!

1 comment:

Robin said...

What, no picture? My favorite mac 'n cheese throw in is tuna. Mmmmm.