Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chile Con Queso Cheeseburger

I found this recipe for Chile con queso Cheeseburgers while looking for a way to use up a bunch of Anaheim Pepper that our neighbors were kind enough to give us. By a bunch, I mean...
First, I charred them on the grill with some jalapenos and some garlic.
Then, I chopped them up and mixed them with some cheese and tomato to stuff in a hamburger patty.
All in all, it was fun, but not the most delicious burger I have ever eaten. B said he like them. The idea of a stuffed hamburger is one that we will experiment with I am sure!!

1 comment:

wirrek said...

Wow! That is creative. You can freeze those peppers and use them whenever, or just bring them to me and I'll use them.