Saturday, July 12, 2008

Peach-Blackberry Cobbler

I made this Peach-Blackberry Cobbler after doing a search for "What the heck is in season anyways?" and I found this website...
I followed the link to this cobbler recipe. It was alright, but as usual, I manged to screw it up. I think in the mist of trying to calm my daughter and chase down my son at the store, I bought some weird peaches. They were more like an apple peaches, I think they are called white peaches. At any rate, they weren't sweet enough and they still weren't soft after 30 min :( The cobbler was still good, especially with the French Vanilla ice cream...I don't really like homemade vanilla, but french vanilla rules!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Nice cobbler! Great link!