Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lemon Corn Blueberry Muffins


Blueberries count, right? I think here in the south we must just have different varieties. I have only gone berry picking in June. Thank goodness for frozen ones, right? Anyways, these are my current favorite muffin. I make them as part of my "assorted muffin" new mom gift. They just have a little more...something...than a normal blueberry muffin. The corn gives it extra texture during bites and the lemon brightens up the flavor. I double the recipe, and use 2 whole eggs instead of 4 egg yolks. The only problem is because of the corn, they go bad quickly. Eat or freeze immediately!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Mmmm ... lemon and blueberries ... what a combo!