Monday, April 7, 2008

Ingredient Challenge - Hoisin Sauce

This has been a difficult challenge for me so far. Hopefully, now that I have been to the store, I can do a little better. Hoisin sauce isn't too out there for me, I had some in my fridge that I use to make Slow Cooker Char Siu Pork Roast.


You basically just marinade the pork, then let it cook all day in the crock pot. The result is a tender meat that you can serve any fresh side with. I remember being very impressed the first couple of times I made this, but this time, it was just ok. I think I don't like my five spice powder...or it just might need more salt. The sauce never works out like the directions say. I think I would have to cook it down on the stove to really get it to work. All in all, it is a very easy recipe that I think many of you would like. It isn't Hot Sour Salty Sweet, but it gets the job done! I served mine with brown rice and steamed edamame.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Looks great as well as the edamame! I'm looking forward to getting my crockpot back.